If you are a regular on our website, then you do know that we at Patna Diaries, started featuring few profiles every month who we think are worth appreciating. As March 8th is International Women’s Day, this month we thought of mentioning women who are doing substantial things in their respective fields.
If you are a regular on Instagram or Facebook, then I am sure you must have come across these three profiles that we are covering today. The three profiles that we have chosen are from three respective genres, i.e. Writing, YouTubing and Photography.
So, let us introduce you to the PD Marvels of the Month for March.
Dr. Akanksha Abhishek
Dr. Akanksha Abhishek is a dental surgeon by profession and a social worker who is passionate about literature, art, poetry and psychology. She is currently successfully running her dental clinic and is a lecturer at a dental college. She is also doing research on mental health issues prevalent in society.
Akanksha is very active on social media. Her Instagram feed is full of beautiful quotations.
Creative at heart, She also has a book under publication through Patna Diaries. The book is titled Sweet Sixteen where Akanksha unveils the distresses a teenager goes through and tries to solve them one at a time.
Puja Kumari and Sneha
Puja Kumari and Sneha are the sisters behind the innovative DIYs done on the YouTube Channel – Artkala. This channel covers DIY, life-hacks, nail art and other household tips. The main idea behind this channel is to learn tips to turn old and useless waste materials into useful products that can be used for our daily needs.
The sisters along with their brother, Pawan, run this YouTube channel which has more than 2 million subscribers in the span of 2 years. They always liked doing art and craft at home and turned their passion into profession successfully. Sneha does all the artwork, while Puja helps in the editing of videos.
People are hooked to their creative ideas which can be implemented by anyone, even a beginner. Their videos explain all DIY products step by step by using things that are already available at every household.
Pragati Prakash
Pragati is a young girl with a mobile phone and lots of creative ideas. She is an amazing mobile photographer whose only equipment is her Moto G5 Plus phone and innovation.
Pragati is an engineer who has found passion in her photography skills. Her profile is full of pictures of people, streets, architecture and nature. She excels in each type of photography with ease. She is also a foodie which occasional photographs of eateries and food.
Photographers like Pragati give people the hope that you don’t need expensive cameras to pursue your passion. In this age, when everyone has a smartphone, you can try to explore your photography skills even with your handheld device.
So, what are you waiting for? If you have not checked their Instagram handles, then go and check it out right now.
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