How to prepare for board exams?

How to prepare for board exams?


Day by day time slides,  Book loads patna diaries
Like a single beautiful night.
Yesterday, we were just kids,
Today, in an exam we have to sit.

Board exam, the word every student want to elude. 10th board and 12th board are the two milestone of any one’s life after which life takes a new turn. It is the milestone of life that determines the goal of our life.

It is said to be the time of stress, the time when everyone in the family is focused on getting you through the board exams.

It is also the time of unavoidable guilts. The guilt of bunking classes, not paying attention in the class, the guilt of convincing yourself that there is ample of time and the guilt of not facing the reality.

So, without getting panicked, you can prepare easily for your board exam.

Don’t ever take the stress, study with fun and enlightenment.

Boards Patna Diaries

The most important thing about preparing yourself for board examination is time management.

Don’t try to study for the whole day because at the end of the day it leaves nothing in your brain.


Tips for preparing yourself for board exam

  1. First of all study at least 6 hours daily.
  2. Try to give 2-2 hours to each subject daily.
  3. Do not go for any other publications books. They do nothing but confuse oneself.
  4. Just read N.C.E.R.T book or your prescribed school book thoroughly. You may read one side book. According to me, Arihant is better than any other publication because it carries all N.C.E.R.T stuff.
  5. Don’t try to overload yourself with different books and internet.
  6. Try to avoid social media as much as you can. You may use it for 1 hour in a day.
  7. Do not keep asking everyone about the types of questions you are going to face in the exam. This will create only havoc in one’s mind.
  8. Solve sample questions and previous year questions as much as you can.

All these tips are enough to score good marks in the board exam.

Tips for coping during the board exams

time management Ptna Diaries

Don’t learn anything new

All preparation needs to be done before the exam begins. Do not try to learn anything new during the examination. One should only revise a day before the examination. Give your brain as much rest as you can t


o settle things down.


Don’t try to pressurize yourself. Try to meditate to keep your mind still. After completing your study, relax by listening to your playlist for 1 hour or 30 minutes. You can also watch your favorite show for some time.

Believe In Yourself

Don’t see the examination as a life or death situation. Just relax and study according to your capability.

Just believe in yourself, you can do anything you want.


Be motivated from inside. Look for motivation in something that comes from your inner soul. If you want to be depressed, then you will be depressed. If you want to feel light and happy, then you will feel the same. It is totally up to you how you want to feel. Sometimes watching a motivational video won’t affect you, but just a single line can motivate you. So, don’t go h

examination Patna Diaries

ere and there looking for motivation. Do what you feel is right. Life is all about the lesson you learn either by success or failure.


All the Best

The 10th Bihar Board examination is starting from 21st February and CBSE exams are starting from 21st February. The 12th Bihar Board examination has already started from 6th February and CBSE is starting from 15th February. So, I just want to say that,


Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win.,
But you can’t stay, life keeps moving.
Let you explore yourself and grab the chance,
Marks can’t decide if you are first or last.

We at Patna Diaries, wish everyone all the best for your board examination. 

Happy Studying 🙂 

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