Did you lose your Instagram followers today?
I woke up in the morning and saw a substantial decrease in my followers count. For me, it was just 30 followers, but I was feeling sad about it. After a while, I actually forgot all about it.
While looking at the story of famous stand-up comedian Malika Dua, I realized that she lost around 20K followers. She has a post about how she never bought a single follower on Instagram but seems to have lost so many in a few hours.
This aroused my interest and I started doing some digging. It looks like the social media influencers have been hit the hardest with this sudden decrease in the number of followers. American singer and actress, Selena Gomez lost around 2 million followers
What Instagram has to say?
Update: 14th February, 2019
Instagram issued a statement telling all the users that it is a technical glitch and they are working on it. They have still not solved it yet. So fret not, your followers will come back soon 🙂
Instagram has not issued any statement on this situation. But, it seems that they have removed spam, bots and inactive accounts from their servers. The accounts who have bought fake followers are not the only one who have been influenced by this cleanup. Even normal people who are not familiar with the nitty-gritty of Instagram have also lost their followers.
Facebook-owned social media platform Instagram also deleted accounts with inauthentic activity last year in November. They issued a statement for the same. Let’s wait for sometime to know what Instagram has to say this time.
Instagram’s statement from November 2018:
Recently, we’ve seen accounts use third-party apps to artificially grow their audience. Starting today, we will begin removing inauthentic likes, follows and comments from accounts that use third-party apps to boost their popularity
We’re taking a number of steps to limit this kind of unwelcome behavior. Accounts we identify using these services will receive an in-app message alerting them that we have removed the inauthentic likes, follows and comments given by their account to others. We will also ask them to secure their account by changing their password
Should this be a reason to be sad?
So, here I was being sad about my 30 followers, where celebrities are witnessing a decrease in thousands and millions. 🙂 Some people also pointed out, that if you lost bot followers, then that means they were never really your follower.
Well, this makes my belief – “sab moh maya hai” even stronger. We should look beyond a person’s follower count to define the “success” of the person.
How many followers did you lose? Let us know your thoughts in the comment box below.
Happy Instagram-ming 😀
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