Jobs interview preparation Post COVID
Before the entry of Covid-19, the country’s economy was in a trembling situation. With its introduction, all the sectors have witnessed a minor quake. Organizations are dropping off excessive employees and working with limited staff. With this situation, there are going to be more people, looking out for jobs post-Covid.
Interviews post COVID.
Coronavirus has brought us all in the practice of social distancing. Once the situation gets normal, people will come up with a newly adapted life-style. Mask and sanitizer will be the basic thing with each one and people will avoid coming in personal contact. With this, companies will conduct the first round of interviews on video-calls. This will reduce the number of people the company will come in direct contact with.
What organizations will demand?
The interviewer always looks up for relevant replies, rather than things that are already mentioned in the Resume. They will require a presentable employee with good communication skills. The interview will aim to give priority to candidates with both soft as well as technical skills.
Preparation for interviews.
The aspirants will now have to prepare themselves for both, face-to-face as well as video-call interviews. There will be a huge difference in both types as the interviewee won’t be able to show his/her non-verbal communication skill properly in the video interview. Still, the web portals are always there with a solution to almost every problem.
Interview preparation can be best done during this time of quarantine. One has maximum time to give for self-assessment and further development. Search out on the internet and filter through the companies to reach to one of your interests. Reading through their profile and having an insight into how they dealt with their crisis will be of help in your interview.
Tips for online job interview preparation.
Be prepared: Appearing for an online job interview is not an easy task. It demands the same amount of homework to be done as in a face-to-face interview. The interviewee must do background research of the company and the job profile he is approaching for.
Be punctual: Online interviews have a fixed time slot allotted to different candidates. Be ready 5 minutes before your time slot and do not make the interviewers wait.
Know your device: You must be aware of the functioning of the device you are going to use for the online interview. Check your battery, camera, and internet connection before-hand.
Be presentable: Dress up formally and choose a noise-free spot to appear for your online interview. Take care of light sources and fix your spot earlier.
Prepare yourselves with the best as once the companies will have their shutters up, there is going to be an abundance of job opportunities for you. Best wishes!
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