It’s okay to not have a plan!
Failure makes it very easy to give up. And if failure strikes multiple times it becomes even easier.
But, I realize that I shouldn’t give up and I kept at it and I am glad that I did.
Because like with the rickshaw wala, you never know who will actually give into your plea of taking you to your destination. But just because four of them said ‘NO’ in a row, does not mean you will give up on going home.
You will have to find an alternative.
You will have to hustle.
Nothing is going to come easy.
Not having a plan actually turned out to be useful for me.
Over a period of time. I had built a network of friends and mentors who have been and still continue to be my biggest support system. They backed me up in this decision and I decided to take a plunge.
When I started my journey, I realized the power of my creative mind to play with words. I started using my imagination to pen down my thoughts and feelings.
This is something that I did without much planning, and this turned out to be a game-changer for me.
It opened so many new avenues for me, gave me so many new opportunities that make me wonder what it would have been like I had spent the time to think about what to do next.
You know a lot of us are forced to make very important decisions very early in life and we are not even sure what we want to do.
I wasn’t.
And that is OKAY!
The answer lies in experimenting and doing things fearlessly.
Everyone does not have a chalked out path.
If you decide to be a doctor your journey and my journey is necessarily not going to be the same.
There are people who question us about every small step. Some uncles and aunties or some family friends and relatives had asked me this, “your sisters are doctor, how come you chose to do this?”
I mean my elder sister is a doctor and I do look up to her and does inspire me but I didn’t have to become a doctor to prove that.
In fact, at some point in time, I wanted to do what she did.
Eventually, I realized that it was okay to not do what she was doing and she was still going to be proud of me.
You might not be good at one thing, but you will be better at three others.
I learned this very hard way, but ‘you cannot make everyone happy’:)
What you can do, however, is make yourself happy and this is very important.
So be brave and have faith in yourself.
Figure out what makes you happy and go do it.
Crave your niche.:)
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